
*darkness in Japanese I am standing in the darkness of the balcony of my apartment. The terrace is out of bounds because the building supervisor caught the virus and has been isolated in his quarters. There are four other spots in the building where the virus has made it’s way through. The apartment building hasContinue reading “Yami*”


  She trudged along the gravelled path, Far from home, lost in the rush of the world, Her boots worn, her back stooped, The winds, cold and brazen, cut across, The skin on her face drooped.   Her eyes stung with tears, That refused to fall out, She shut them close, Wanting to push theContinue reading “Boots.”

Life Notes #13.

Is happiness an illusion? Or is the search for happiness a mirage that lures you until you’re too lost to even know so? News media often carries reports of people who have failed to measure success in their acts – standards of success that the society set for us all, marks in examinations, money inContinue reading “Life Notes #13.”

A Blocked 2018. (As Yet)

It happened! It was inevitable. Some day or the other I was bound to be in its clutches. Now I know when my friend says she’s zoned out or that she can’t put pen to paper. I have the the writer’s block! I can’t seem to get to writing. But I wanted to take aContinue reading “A Blocked 2018. (As Yet)”

What’s your coffee like?

We are all broken. Yes, you read it right. We are all broken, in some way or the other. A heartbreak, death, failure, lost friendship, loneliness, disease – the demons are endless and varied. It’s a spectrum, where every person has their individual place reserved. Yet, we fail to acknowledge, accept, deal with such a simple truth.Continue reading “What’s your coffee like?”

To Be Or Not To Be Human.

I have fallen into the habit of keeping a Google News tab open on my laptop every day, choosing to read the daily news update as I get to the mails for the day. This morning, however, turned out to be quite depressing! The top news trending on Google News was about the death of a HUMANContinue reading “To Be Or Not To Be Human.”

How do I convince Mother that my 23 year old self can have usable shelf decor ideas?

Urgent help needed! Mothers preferred. So I began putting my shelf decor ideas to Mother the way I actually pitch my ideas to my boss. Small talk first and then when I have judged his mood and inclination to discuss ideas, I slowly, very slowly, push the idea towards him. Obviously, I chip in the ideasContinue reading “How do I convince Mother that my 23 year old self can have usable shelf decor ideas?”

The Angel in You.

    Amy had seen that face before. She would recognise it anywhere. The face that had over the years faded away but resurfaced strongly when the appearance became physical. The face had changed Amy’s life. The face that had given Amy a second chance. The lady wasn’t in her patrolling uniform. Her hair wasContinue reading “The Angel in You.”

Dare to dream?

For the past few days I have been pacifying myself with these words : “If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough” And I think I have dreamt big. Because my dream is scaring the hell out of me! My dream wasn’t planned. One fine day, it just happened to become mine! Some oneContinue reading “Dare to dream?”