Calcutta Calling!

Oh, Calcutta. You beauty. The moment I stepped out of the airplane, the air came down on me warm and heavy! My body knew it was in Calcutta before my brain could even decode the neural transmissions. I can feel dampness in my breath. My hair feels sticky all over. And my jeans feel likeContinue reading “Calcutta Calling!”

Moo Points?

My week started on a bad note – regular household issues – oh yes, we bachelors have those too. No maid, cook screwed up the food quantities, delayed to work, no transport, traffic and oh, the heat! So coming up, are a lot of moo points. Take it or leave it, but do read it! As IContinue reading “Moo Points?”

The curve.

How you greet a person is often the lasting impression on their mind about you! But it also does much more for your brain and your hormones. A harried, impatient first look leaves a negative note. A blunt hello with no eye contact leaves the other person feeling unimportant – they may not be yourContinue reading “The curve.”

A Blocked 2018. (As Yet)

It happened! It was inevitable. Some day or the other I was bound to be in its clutches. Now I know when my friend says she’s zoned out or that she can’t put pen to paper. I have the the writer’s block! I can’t seem to get to writing. But I wanted to take aContinue reading “A Blocked 2018. (As Yet)”

A rant on pockets.

Fundamental question coming up! Be pre-warned that this has nothing to do with feminism or being a snob. How many of you men have been shopping with women – your friends, sister, girlfriend, mother or to purchase gifts for your friend’s female friends? Whether you have or haven’t, not many of you must have noticedContinue reading “A rant on pockets.”


There are some days when life does not make sense. Then there are more days when your manager does not make sense. Then come a lot of days when the news does not make sense. Picking up a few of those gems! What say you? Are you prepared to ruin your good day? Well, orContinue reading “#NationWantsToKnow?”


As I stood by the the window of the balcony, my nose was pressed to it, my breath frosting the glass around my lips, I saw the winds outside swirling, droplets of water being bullied into submission, lights from the night lamps streaming through the air, making the paths of water borne air above theContinue reading “Nostalgia.”

Unravel the Travel!

As promised (to no one in general), here’s a continued set of anecdotes from my trip to Gujarat! Let’s begin right from the beginning of the trip, like is the norm unless I choose to write in reverse chronology. That’s a good idea but for another day! Anyone who’s spent even a day on BangaloreContinue reading “Unravel the Travel!”