
  She trudged along the gravelled path, Far from home, lost in the rush of the world, Her boots worn, her back stooped, The winds, cold and brazen, cut across, The skin on her face drooped.   Her eyes stung with tears, That refused to fall out, She shut them close, Wanting to push theContinue reading “Boots.”

#Swarun Again!

To the long evening talks, to the short Ajmera walks, to the values you taught, and throwing away foods that rot.   To being a bride, those bumpy auto rides, to the faces you made, and the cakes we smeared. To the streams of rant, to the walls dabbed with paint, to the jokes weContinue reading “#Swarun Again!”

TedX Adventures!

I was probably in school when I first heard of Ted talks from a relative. I didn’t pay much attention, after all you only retain about 20% of what you hear. (Research says so, not me. I’d peg it down to even much lower, considering how my requests at a certain workplace almost always fallContinue reading “TedX Adventures!”

After All This While? Always.

“You don’t know anything about me,” he said. “I know. But I am trying to. Doesn’t that count?” They had started as lovers, failed and then tried becoming friends. As she sat by him at his hospital bed tonight, she thought of this conversation. Ten years had passed since then. They were no longer loversContinue reading “After All This While? Always.”

It’s Your B’day!

Finally coming around to a proper b’day dedication for you! Dear D, If friendships were made in heaven, ours would almost make it to that list. Well, almost ‘cuz you gotta work on being perfect from almost perfect. I crossed the perfection threshold long ago! 😉 I still have to figure out why I dislikedContinue reading “It’s Your B’day!”

Happy anniversary, indeed!

The last piece of cake was smeared on his face! “Twenty years of marriage! What’s the secret?” asked a colleague in jest! “You agree more than you disagree. And you learn to shut up!” Sameer replied at once. “At least there’s someone who can shut Sameer up,” they joked! Only they didn’t know it was aContinue reading “Happy anniversary, indeed!”

Another year passes!

Time flies! In leaps and bounds. Another year older and hopefully another year wiser! To maintain tradition of my birthday blog posts, this one is the latest! So there’s my new look (as informed in the previous post) which I absolutely adore, though some people claim I haven’t really changed much. But those some people also called meContinue reading “Another year passes!”

His Smile, For Her.

HIS SMILE, FOR HER. The day she saw him, She knew that smile was for her, The warmth that touched their hearts, Brought them closer together. Those eyes that glittered her way, Could see her inside out, His hand that touched hers, Touched the soul within. Hands clasped, rushing Through the surreality, Like two littleContinue reading “His Smile, For Her.”

For you.

Yes, you. I am talking to you. Yes, keep shunning that make up. You really don’t need to be perfecting your skin and eye lashes all the time. You love rubbing your eyes when you’re tired. There’s no compulsion to put on the kohl, if you don’t like it. Yes, I am talking to you too.  YouContinue reading “For you.”