
Desires? The rumbling trucks roared along, The silence of the night drowning it out. The bodies moved in closer together, The warmth betwixt they didn’t want to lose out.   The eldest had just laid her head down, When the youngest started bawling again. As the cries started waking everyone around, They looked down uponContinue reading “Desires?”

The Web That Killed.

While the Sun marked the end of its journey for the day, colours vermillion, saffron, magenta and plum painted the skies turn by turn until the deep blues and blacks took over. Such untarnished beauty did not for once in my life pleasure me. I had lived multiple lives till I met you. I was whatContinue reading “The Web That Killed.”

The Drop.

The old man had been unwell for more than a couple of days now. The fever wasn’t breaking. He wasn’t worried about himself though. He was worried about his garden. He’d newly planted Canna Lilies in them. They were Madam’s favourite. He would have instructed his helper how to care for them well but theContinue reading “The Drop.”

At God’s Door. No more…

Two months ago, I’d shared the plight of a poor, homeless man. Today, he’s missing. For the past two weeks, actually. Should I rather say dead? Because he was barely being able to walk twenty days ago. A friend, on the man’s request carried him two feet away to where he wanted to sit. Then we saw him takeContinue reading “At God’s Door. No more…”

Nepal Quake Aftershocks.

25th April, 2015 : The day man-made aftershocks won over natural aftershocks. Two back to back tremors in Calcutta around noon today brought us all out of our buildings onto the roads. For a while, we were all dazed and then after necessary precautions went back to work. I spent the next hour calling andContinue reading “Nepal Quake Aftershocks.”

Under the tree.

Every single day, I was sitting in the corner under the tree – protected from the harshness of the Sun, the stares of Man and thorny ground below. I was waiting for the days to end, nights to fall, life to go on. One of those days you came along like a breath of fresh air bringing theContinue reading “Under the tree.”