TedX Adventures!

I was probably in school when I first heard of Ted talks from a relative. I didn’t pay much attention, after all you only retain about 20% of what you hear. (Research says so, not me. I’d peg it down to even much lower, considering how my requests at a certain workplace almost always fallContinue reading “TedX Adventures!”

Of bad singers and good ad campaigns.

The laws of Calcutta seem beyond my grasp at times. It’s almost midnight and there’s a live musical performance going on right behind my place for no reason whatsoever! At least, there’s no festival I am aware of. Christmas doesn’t call for such celebration and Durga Puja is a good ten months away! Singers have beenContinue reading “Of bad singers and good ad campaigns.”

We want bans.

Of recent, the Indian Government has been ridiculously infamous for banning a lot of things in India. A few instances which flash momentarily when I think of the word ‘ban’ are the ban on Uber, ban on the BBC documentary India’s Daughter, ban on Nestle Maggi and the latest in the series is the meat ban! SinceContinue reading “We want bans.”

Liebster Award.

Archita has been kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster Award. Thank you! The young one writes amazing poems. You’d often wonder where she gets those thoughts from! Apologies for acknowledging the award so late! cyvk So here are the rules: 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. 2. Use the picture for the award.Continue reading “Liebster Award.”

Cosmetics for the Moon?

By 2050 : Mirror, Mirror on the wall! Who’s the fairest of them all? The Moon! Once upon a time, on a full moon night, somewhere in the West, someone may have spent a night like this : Husband (relaxing after a long day of work in his balcony) : I love how peaceful the nightContinue reading “Cosmetics for the Moon?”