
“We don’t dream. We work. Dreams are for the rich.” I grew up listening to this, while toiling through the fields, cleaning the fish, even when I was taking too long a bath. If what my father says was true, then dreams are only for the people whose pipes and taps I fix. I hearContinue reading “Dazzle.”


#THE LAST BATCH/100 And here comes the last post of this initiative! While I tried stepping out into one of my favourite breakfast joints of the city, I also explored street art in Delhi via an online AirBnb experience. Also, ink pen cleaning does not compulsorily require hairdryers. My best friend got married. ❤ 2020Continue reading “#91-100/100”


#LOTS OF DAYS/100 Could there be anything happier than a yoga mat that needs to be replaced? Still going strong, post three months since I stepped into the gym and I hope it continues that way for the rest of 2020 because things are definitely not going to get better anytime soon. The thrill ofContinue reading “#81-90/100”


#LOTS OF DAYS/100 They’re growing – the plants!! And Brownie, the dog, clearly doesn’t like bread. Didn’t even touch it – THE ENTIRE DAY! And that’s one hungry dog – always up for some food. Meanwhile, Brownie’s hooman tried making a round stuffed paratha but all you see is a pentagon! Won’t US of AContinue reading “#71-80/100”


#LOTS OF DAYS/100 Will they grow? Won’t they? Been so so long since I did a bit of gardening! Are my green fingers still intact? Coming into that zone of the lockdown where you just go with the flow and recall the little things that made you so much happier before the paycheck took overContinue reading “#61-70/100”


#LOTS OF DAYS/100 I know I write a lot about my dogs – not that they’re “my” dogs – they’re just dogs who happen to wag their tails at me for food! So this one is Scooby Dee, as evident from the collage and demands to be treated with love ❤ Riding shotgun in theContinue reading “#51-60/100”


#LOTS OF DAYS/100 In between feeding the dogs and myself, I also have to try and sell my book, right? So while I was hunkered down, with all I could lay my hands on, I prepared ‘For Sale’ posters for two nearby general stores who agreed to put up my books for sale! Modern problems,Continue reading “#41-50/100”


#LOTS OF DAYS/100 While we have been researching for my next manuscript diligently, it becomes difficult to focus on EVERYTHING at the same time – cooking, cleaning, working out, working for a paycheck, eating clean AND cleaning yourself up. So, while we fed the dogs and the self diligently, we also survived a bout ofContinue reading “#31-40/100”


What is this about?Day 21-30 (cuz my rules!) of the #100HappyDays initiative started amidst the uncertainty that life, public and private, faces during the pandemic of the strain of coronovirus, Covid-19. Where is this happening?Few people from different parts of my life (a blogger, a sister, school friends, a Twitterati, work colleagues spread all acrossContinue reading “#21-30/100”


What is this about?Day 20 of the #100HappyDays initiative started amidst the uncertainty that life, public and private, faces during the pandemic of the strain of coronovirus, Covid-19. Where is this happening?Few people from different parts of my life (a blogger, a sister, school friends, a Twitterati, work colleagues spread all across from Canada, USAContinue reading “#20/100”