
“We don’t dream. We work. Dreams are for the rich.” I grew up listening to this, while toiling through the fields, cleaning the fish, even when I was taking too long a bath. If what my father says was true, then dreams are only for the people whose pipes and taps I fix. I hearContinue reading “Dazzle.”

And it begins?

So far, whenever I have submitted my writings to a magazine, contest, literary agents or even publishing houses, all I received were rejections. Hence, when the submission to Spark Magazine was a go, I was too stunned to even react! It is only now after three rounds of edits, publication date having passed 48 hoursContinue reading “And it begins?”

5 days to go!

2014 has been a year of massive ups and downs, myriad problems with countless solutions, new dreams have been laid, old ones put aside, new people to embrace, old friends coming together again! With the last five days left, I am going to put in a post each day (no order, randomly random) thanking my starsContinue reading “5 days to go!”