

The rumbling trucks roared along,

The silence of the night drowning it out.

The bodies moved in closer together,

The warmth betwixt they didn’t want to lose out.


The eldest had just laid her head down,

When the youngest started bawling again.

As the cries started waking everyone around,

They looked down upon her with disdain.


They called this city the place of dreams,

Where stories were of rags to riches.

But all she’d done in the past two years was,

Beg and plead on the beaches.


The night was all she knew that was hers,

Her dreams an escape from reality.

Desires were something she learnt not,

It was difficult to even find someone to pity.


This post is in support of the UN’s #GlobalGoals on Sustainable Development 2015. Read more about it here.

Graciously Yours!

Picture Courtesy : Pinterest.

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

19 thoughts on “Desires?

  1. This whole post reminds me how much grateful I should be to God for everything and waking up healthy everyday! if we look the people below us we ll always be contended! 🙂
    P.s: Great post and I wish the beggers understand this thing that working for living is more comforting than hurting themselves by begging. .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We don’t know what each life has been made out to be. I’m sure there are many who see begging as easier but there are also others who have been kicked by life on the back no matter how many times they try to stand.
      Thank you for liking my work! Glad it made you see the positives of your life. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Han yar you’re right in that regard. .its just here I see many females begging and whenever I ask them will you work for me ..they are like “humse kaam nhe hota”

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Yes, that aspect I can understand! Even I’ve met such people. It’s the same state here in India. (Both us countries are more alike than we would ever admit.) But then. I am sure they’re not all the same.


  2. Very powerful illustration of the plight of thousands upon thousands of the marginalized, over-looked, and oppressed. And one of the greatest pities of all is that so many lack pity, but instead assume that “beggars” have no desire to work and that, consequently, their plight is their own fault. So many fail to understand the life of the downtrodden and poverty-stricken… Thank you especially for dedicating this to the UN’s Global Goals on Sustainable Development. Indeed, I have much for which to be thankful … which also means I have much to give to those in need! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is the exact spirit I wanted to put forward. No matter where we are in life, some of us lucky enough to have some to give to others – others who need and probably appreciate it more than us.
      Us bloggers do awards and sponsored posts. It’s time we also did something to spread awareness and participated in contributing to larger goals. The written word is still powerful.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is the charm of poetry, isn’t it? It makes you want to cringe in pain as you visualise the things you normally ignore.
    You did a great job. This poem — and especially, the last stanza — was raw and connected somewhere.
    “Her dreams an escape from reality.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And this is the comment I wake up to! We fail to see things from others’ perspective often because according to us our lives are the most important and the toughest.

      Thank you so much 🙂 Your appreciation means a lot!

      Liked by 1 person

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