Big Fat Indian Wedding!

Anyone who’s seen an Indian wedding knows that it’s mostly about glitz, glitter and a lot of gala (and gold too!) Well, it’s also about rituals, heavy clothes (so heavy that you can get tired of holding them up and trying to fold them), tensions and family drama along with a lot of fun and lavishly sumptuous buffets!

I loved all of that and so much more about my brother’s wedding. Beginning with the beginning :

– Emotions run high. High enough to make the nitwits in us to turn into humans! Billions of blistering blue barnacles! Indeed! We start bonding, joking, fooling around keeping aside all earlier differences and knowing so much about our extended family, both good and bad, and accepting them the way they are.

– We are a photo and selfie obsessed population now spanning across all generations. We are inclined, though not talented enough, to give the professional photographers a run for their money!

– My sister-in-law understood references to Joey’s love of food! I love her for that (among other things.) I can’t explain how happy I was. Hopefully, no one noticed the tears of joy in my eyes.


– If you don’t want to go hungry at a wedding, don’t be in-charge of taking care of the needs of the newly wedded! Contrary to popular belief, they’re not into food so much because their nerves run high and their appetite dies. Not that I went hungry. My brother made sure I was well-fed, but just saying! Everyone doesn’t get a brother like mine, after all.

– Do not get married in the summers. The sweat will wash away the work you did on your face sooner than later, your heavy Indian wear will be a curse, you’ll need lots of water and proportionate trips to the wash room and you’ll feel sapped of your energy. Winter weddings are much better.

– Lastly, if you are entertaining guests who’re new to the city, give them a tour of the city – the street food, local markets, shopping malls, heritage areas. Go out with them as tourists and let them do the talking to the locals! You’ll see your city in new light and probably fall for it again. Or not. Depends on you.

Graciously Yours!

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

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