Big Fat Indian Wedding (With visuals!)

On special request of a fellow blogger Cat Jenkins (do check out her blog!) I am putting in a few pictures of the Big Fat Indian Wedding of last week.

I hope you enjoy these as much as we look like we did!


That is the bride and groom in focus! And all us cousins and the counterparts of the married ones.


Traditionally, in Rajasthani weddings, the groom enters the place of wedding on a mare. So there he is perched atop!


While the groom trots in on the dame, his family members dance to traditional (and Bollywood) tunes as a celebratory ritual! Sadly you cannot see much of the dancing here though a couple of American tourists joined in the revelry (see extreme right of picture).


That’s them in full wedding attire waiting to place garlands around each other necks. See the sisters holding the garlands?


That’s a lot of us being clicked while taking a selfie with the groom. It’s a rush out there!


And that is your blogger fooling around with traditional headgear worn by the men.

Graciously Yours!

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

25 thoughts on “Big Fat Indian Wedding (With visuals!)

  1. SQUEEEEE!!!! I LOVE them! Thank you!! It’s so bright and beautiful and honestly, it looks like a fairy tale or a magic fable come to life! Our weddings in the U.S. look so plain in comparison. You look like a princess, too!

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