From ‘broken’ to just ‘tangled’.

Every now and then we all have to make decisions. Decide about whether we wish to live in the past or move ahead through newer, unknown doors; whether we wish to cling to the unfulfilled dreams in the hope that they will someday become your future reality or rush into the loving arms of the present and embrace the smaller but happier moments.

Living in the past isn’t easy. With those beautiful memories and closely held dreams comes the pain and ache of holding onto them. You wake up each morning hoping that today will be the day and you sleep every night with the disappointment and pacify yourself by teaching your heart not to expect. Then one day you wake up without the pain and the hope. Not because your dreams came true, but because you ceased to feel.
All this while, you do keep looking around, living your life in general when suddenly one very fine day, the Gods smile down at you! You feel lighter, happier, different and you want to let go of those pains. But you’re afraid. Because you’re venturing into unknown territory. This happiness is new, unwarranted, and surreal. You treat it like a mirage. You want to fight it. You are apprehensive.

This is when you need to decide. The known past or unknown present? The known, painful past or the unknown, happier present? The known, painful, trying past or the unknown, happier, beautiful present?

You have but one life and you have every right to your fair share of smiles.
I chose to let go of the past and embrace my happier present.
And you?

Graciously Yours!

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

6 thoughts on “From ‘broken’ to just ‘tangled’.

  1. Perfectly said…But what scares people, is not “the unknown, happier present?” but the “unknown” possible even more painful present….”The devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.”


  2. You write with the maturity of someone who is very old – impressive thoughts. For me (as someone who is ‘quite’ old) I think sometimes I find a happy peaceful escapism in taking myself back to, and living in, the past 🙂


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