For you, Jakarta Girl!

Do you have that one person in your life WHO :

Reads your emotions in text without those crazy emoticons?

Puts her status as “Okay” and you immediately get the #TFIOS reference. (Ref. to the context : Maybe okay will be our always. If you still don’t get point I am trying to make, then you need to get in touch with the world around, cave people!)

Knowingly takes the harder path just because it is the correct one?

Uses “LOL” so many times, you actually wonder how retarded she must be looking if she actually laughed out loud so many times in a day?

Stays 1614 kms away, yet there are times when you feel she hasn’t really moved away?

Buys fancy writing material without blinking an eyelid, but will think twice before buying a dress?

Is insanely crazy yet crazily sane and you just cannot help loving her, despite the really strong moral compass?

Loves to blog, blogs about what she loves, but does not have so much time for her blog as much for her love?

Yes, she’s real.

She’s my person. If I plan to murder someone, she’s the person I’d call to help me drag the vengeance out of me across the living room floor. She’s my person.

Dear, unlike every year, we’re in two different countries, but like every year I still have the best gift I can give you – my words.

I hope you love them as much as I do!

Love you always. And miss you lots.

Graciously Yours!

P.S.: Happy Birthday! ❤

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

15 thoughts on “For you, Jakarta Girl!

  1. You are two blessed and very hard working people i know! And I’m kind of the semi-blessed to see what kind of a friendship you share with “my student” 😉 Happie Birthday!


    1. I’ll ask her for what she feels about being shared 😉 Meanwhile, thanks for dropping by! I finally got you to come over, didn’t I? B-)


      1. I didn’t mean to say that you have been standoffish! I was just improving by the day so I could lure you here 😉

        You know what I mean? Heck, maybe you don’t! And you now think I am totally insane! :/


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