Blank colours on the canvas.


Some days I have a smile on my face. Yet inside I am breaking apart. Sometimes that trophy is all I want. Yet when I get it, it was not the rosy picture I’d painted. Some days the world doesn’t make sense at all. And other days I think I’ve found the missing puzzle pieces. Somehow, somewhere he meant a lot to me. And yet he never did. Most days I believe there’s a God. Then religion strikes back at my faith. On days I help a poor fellow, the papers print how another looted millions. Some days I want much more than all the colours of the rainbow. Then there are days when even black and white are too much to handle. There are moments when I am the centre of my universe. Then there are times when I wish I could replace an atom. Some days solitude is all I want. Other days I crave to be around people. Some days I wish my dreams came real. Other days I want my reality to become a dream.

And in all of this confusion and clarity, dejection and joy, devastation and creation there’s  life. And that itself is reason enough to celebrate. I may not yet know what my purpose of life is, but that’s okay. As long as I keep walking, the road will become clearer and things will begin to make sense. I will as long as I can. Until I can’t. Life’s uncertain. Death isn’t.

Life’s simple. It’s complicated too.


Graciously Yours!


P.S. : We’re all each but one piece of domino. Insignificant we may seem, but just one missing piece can ruin the domino fall.

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

34 thoughts on “Blank colours on the canvas.

      1. Thats good… if you ever wanna chat about shit, you can come and find me. I think I listen well… sometimes talking about it helps… sometimes not.


  1. Wow! This is such a powerful piece of writing. That initial part held me, showed me the uncertainly of life. The latter part then guided me, consoled me that life is supposed to be uncertain. Thank you Adi.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved the words and how contrasting each sentence was with the next one but then in the end it all made perfect sense. Life is like that as you said that we don’t know what’s the purpose behind our existence but in the end, it will all make perfect sense. Kudos for such great thoughts 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! 😀
      It feels good to be sharing thoughts uninhibitedly and finding that it resonates so well with others too.
      It is one the reasons I am thankful to the makers of WordPress!

      Liked by 1 person

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