It’s Your B’day!

Finally coming around to a proper b’day dedication for you!

Dear D,

If friendships were made in heaven, ours would almost make it to that list. Well, almost ‘cuz you gotta work on being perfect from almost perfect. I crossed the perfection threshold long ago! 😉

I still have to figure out why I disliked you in the beginning, so much so that I wouldn’t want to pay attention to you. But the tables turned soon. You should thank me for that! 😉 You get too much attention these days, too much for your own good! And I don’t mean just from me.

You’re a good friend to have, trustworthy to the core, too practical for even me to comprehend at times and entertaining like none other.

Here’s a small wish for you:

May you get bored less often,

May you start with Sherlock Season One!

May you keep winning cricket matches,

And less of those Tinder matches!

I hope to keep brewing trouble,

And see you rise from the rubble!

May your whites take you to success,

They make you look good, I confess!

May the love never diminish,

Before you get bored, I’d rather finish!

Happy birthday! To the guy who’s guided me when I couldn’t make decisions, who’s supported me when I needed a shoulder, who’s never asked for an iota in return, knows which promises to fulfil and which he can get way with breaking!

You’re not perfect, and well neither am I.

But we can keep giving it a try. 🙂

Graciously Yours!

P.S.: In the age of smartphones and 13 MP cameras, how do we  not have enough pictures?

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

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