The Presence of The Past.

They say if you blink, you miss it. We waited impatiently, clicking pictures of others and selfies of ourselves, being photo bombed and photo bombing others, all the while creating memories which we probably wouldn’t refer back to again. Not because they wouldn’t be memorable. But because we create too many of them these days.

We were waiting for the lights at the famous Mysore Palace to go on. They say it looks enchanting. It is a work of technology which brings out the magnanimity of the work of art. It requires a single flick of a switch to light up thousands of little bulbs. 98,260 to be precise.

The Sun had set. Darkness had fallen. People were still clicking. Cameras were flashing. And just like that without any warning, without waiting for the clock to strike a particular hour,  the lights went on! And enchanting it was!


Who would have thought a century ago that beauty could be kept locked up in pixels? Who would have predicted that you could hold the whole world worth of information just in your hands? How different our achievements are from those of our forefathers. They took pride in bigger and better; we in smaller and faster. They built with brick and mortar; we build with silicon and carbon. Their memories faded with time; ours with obsolescence. Their achievements were the heritage; ours is technology.

Graciously Yours!

Picture Courtesy : In collaboration with Ashwini Bhat.

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

19 thoughts on “The Presence of The Past.

    1. Isra!! So good to see you here!
      I wouldn’t be surprised if you said you were born at the palace! 😉 After all, someone would have to be born there some time na?

      Thank you so much for dropping in here! I hope you’re doing well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I read your latest post. And I am so speechless I didn’t even know what to write to you which would make things better.


      2. Time is the best healer! had written that one several months ago, but couldnt get myself to post it. Now i am slowly getting so detached from the situation, that i finally managed to publish it. so i guess, life goes on..
        How is my birthplace treating you? 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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