Of bad singers and good ad campaigns.

The laws of Calcutta seem beyond my grasp at times. It’s almost midnight and there’s a live musical performance going on right behind my place for no reason whatsoever! At least, there’s no festival I am aware of. Christmas doesn’t call for such celebration and Durga Puja is a good ten months away!

Singers have been shouting into the microphones, speakers have been blaring, peace is being held hostage for the past five hours. At least. Why am I so irritated? Because good songs and better singers are welcome at such shows. But when the singers sound like they have bullfrogs bellowing inside of them and the noise they’re creating is on the higher side of the allowed decibel level, sleep is tossed out of the window (panes of which are vibrating!) and the post which is published is probably the tenth draft of the fourth idea which struck me while I was trying to clamp my ears with cotton, mufflers and pillows.

Distracting myself to write this post and I end up writing about what I am supposed to distract myself from! Silly me.

So you think diamonds are a girl’s best friend? And that if your fiance, husband or even boyfriend doesn’t gift you diamonds, his love for you isn’t forever? (Because diamonds last forever – forgive the analogy. All that noise is slowing me down.)

Well, congratulations! You have been duped by a very long continuing and massively successful advertising campaign started around the mid 1900’s to ensure the sudden bounty of diamonds being mined do not lose out on their previously high prices! The advertising campaign emphasized on the non-existent necessity of diamonds to be an intricate part of the holy matrimony! And thus began the race to buy diamonds, the end line of which is far from visible even today.

This reminds me of another advertising campaign which saved an entire brand from getting ruined. The Nestle India Maggi campaign! An offshoot video that I found is worth the time and smile. Specially for those who love both Maggi and Bollywood.

Graciously Yours!

P.S. : In case reading this post will result in future savings in your bank account, don’t forget to send me a thank you note! 😉 You’d make my day.

Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

24 thoughts on “Of bad singers and good ad campaigns.

    1. Hahahah! Neither did we know that noodles could ever be this emotional. But when this brand was banned for almost six months in India, the nation erupted in a furore. Creativity at it’s very best in this ad campaign, I must say. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  1. LOL! Very good and entertaining … I’m sure of far better quality than the entertainment you’re being forced to “enjoy.” (By the way, the laws in the State of Alabama don’t seem to prohibit loud music and bad singers either, so I probably know how you feel! LOL) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes. I assure you this is better quality than the entertainment I was subjected to!
      You’re from Alabama? That’s the home state of John Green! ❤
      The laws should prohibit it! They become a nuisance after a good couple of hours! Specially on cold, winter nights.

      Liked by 1 person

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