MISSING – Fellow Blogger.

Dear Fellow Blogger,

You swooped down on my blog one fine day and showered me with comments. We almost started a mutual admiration society. You excited the writer in me and made me want to please the friendly critic in you. You introduced me to the Army man’s perspective of the written word and rendered me speechless over more than a creation or two! You appreciated all, criticized where absolutely necessary, saw the good, tried to reform the bad. The beacon to many in this dashed world of hopes. The country’s soldier, loving wife’s caring husband and a doting father to two adorable little girls, you aroused sentimentalities in numerous fellow bloggers.

It’s been more than six months since you last wrote. It’s been more than four months that I kept thinking about what made you stop. It’s been over three months since I left you mails, still lying unanswered.

For the sake of you and your family and the numerous people you’ve trapped in your swiftly and delicately woven web of words, I sincerely pray that you’re just stuck in one of those Indian Army assignments, which has probably taken you to a WiFi-barren remote location, where you just haven’t found the access to share your stories with us yet!

I cannot think of anything more depressing than this.

I miss having you around.

Graciously Yours!




Published by AditiChandak

Writing is the passion... Thoughts arise, words flow and the excitement never subsides!

5 thoughts on “MISSING – Fellow Blogger.

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